Culture trails

You can get to know the nature and history of Vanhalinna on your own time on our hiking paths and culture trails, with the help of audio guides or the information boards around the area (some are currently only available in Finnish). The guides and field work on the archeology trail, the history trail, and the (Ystävänpolku) have been executed with the support of the leader-group Varsin Hyvä association with funds from the European agricultural fund for rural development. The “Friends of the Vanhalinna museum” association has also supported the projects.

You can also come to the Vanhalinna area via The Heart of Finland- nature and culture trail which starts from Maaherran makasiini (Henrikinkatu 10, Turku).The 11,5 kilometers long trail follows the banks of river Aura, introducing you to the history and nature of the area.

Archeology trail

Vanhalinna’s archeology trail leads you through the prehistory of the Vanhalinna grounds, and teaches you about the archeological artefacts found in the area, the methods used in their discovery, and also the care and conservation of these relics.

The archeology trail rounds the Vanhalinna estate all the way down along the banks of river Aura and around and to the very top of the Linnavuori hill, where you can admire the spectacular view. The length of this trail is approximately 800 meters and there are information boards along it. Currently these boards are available only in Finnish.

Picture: Johannes Lahti

History trail

The history trail adds to the archeology trail by exploring the history of the Vanhalinna estate itself. The history trail walks you from the prehistoric time to the time of written history by teaching about the previous generations of the estate’s owners, the buildings currently on it, and those that once were there, as well as the plant life in the area. The history trail is approximately 1,4 kilometers long.

Picture: Johannes Lahti

The Heart of Finland

The Heart of Finland route is both a hiking trail and a culture experience. It takes you on a journey from the Turku city centre, from Maaherran makasiini, all the way to Vanhalinna in Lieto. You can traverse this route by foot or by bicycle, and you can start the trip from any point along it. The Heart of Finland trail is 11,5 kilometers long in its entirety, and along it you will find 12 information boards and several small signposts of the logo of Vanhalinna.

The Heart of Finland trail will take you time travelling through the history of Turku. Along the trail you get to know the development of modern Finnish society and culture by walking along the river Aura, in the same locations that historical figures such as Argricola, Porthan, and Runeberg once also walked. Additionally you will also get to know the developments that the nature of the Aura river area and Turku have gone through over the centuries.

In English there is a set of 12 audio guides available for you to download from the city of Turku official website. The project has been completed in co-operation with The Finnish Cultural Founduation, The University of Turku Foundation, The Vanhalinna Foundation, and the University of Turku.

Picture: Rauno Mannila

Friends’ trail

The Friends’ trail follows the banks of river Aura and gives a view of the river valley and the Linnavuori hill as they were in ancient times when the hill would be approached mainly by boat. The Friends’ trail starts from Vanha Härkätie (“The Old Oxen Road”) and leads you to the foot of the Linnavuori hill, and from there to the Vanhalinna estate yard. The trail is approximately 1,5 kilometers long. The Friends’ trail is a part of Vanhalinna’s culture trails, and you can travel all the way to Turku along it, as the trail connects to the Heart of Finland trail.

The guides for The Friends’ trail are currently only available in Finnish.

(Map + pdf)